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Friday, February 24, 2012

Cleansing your Chakras

Clearing your Chakras can be very important.  It can help you feel more grounded and centered within your body spiritually and physically.  There are 7 Chakras that effect the different parts of your body.  Below I have included a chart of all the Chakras including colors and names.

The Chakras can effect you in many ways.  Go to the link listed below for a Chart that shows the functions of the Chakras and how each one can effect us.  This Chart Includes:  Chakra, Location, Color, Psychological Functions, Emotions, Glands, Associated Body Parts, and Physical Disfunction. 

Doreen Virtue has a great book called Clearing Chakras where I got the information I list below.  She also includes a meditation CD that can help you clear out your Chakras that I felt was very helpful.  I'm about to list all the Chakras and what they are related to in different areas of your life.

Root Chakra (Ruby Red and found at the base of your spine): Finances, Career, Home, Physical Safety, Needs, Possessions

Sacral Chakra (Orange and found between your naval and base of your spine): Cravings, Addictions, Your Body

Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow and found right behind the naval): Power, Control

Heart Chakra (Green and found in the center of the chest): Relationships, Love, People Attachments, Forgiveness, Clairsentience

Throat Chakra (Blue and found in the Adam's apple area of the neck): Speaking your truth, Communication Projects, Asking for your needs to be Met

Ear Chakras (Reddish-Violet and found inside your head): Divine Communication, What you Hear or have Heard

Third Eye Chakra (Indigo Blue and found between the two eyes): The Future, The Past, Beliefs about Spirits

Crown Chakra (Royal Purple and found inside the top of the head): God, Religion or Spirtuality, Divine Guidance, Trust

Here is a website for Chakra Meditations (Very Relaxing Videos by Lisa Beachy):