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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ways the Angels try to Connect with You

A lot of us seek answers about life or want guidance from a Higher Source.  The Angels are sent by God to help us through our journey on this Earth.  They are consistently finding ways to connect with us.  I know they send me little signs that they are there all the time.  Once you start to notice these things you will begin to see them a lot more.  I have listed some ways that the Angels connect with us by leaving things for us to find or sending things to us.  

1.  Butterflies!  A lot of us see butterflies flying around once in a while, but have you ever had one fly around you or land on you? On some occasions I have had a butterfly land on me or fly in front of me.  This is a sign that the angels are with us and taking care of us!

2.  Rainbows!  Most of us know that seeing a Rainbow is "Good Luck".  Have you ever thought that it could be a sign from the Angels that they are watching over us?  Just the other day I was at a festival, there was water spraying and just the way the sun hit there was a beautiful Rainbow.  Rainbows are meant to show peace to the world by God.  If you see a Rainbow it usually means that the Angels are taking care of a situation for you.  

3.  Pennies!  Have you ever heard the saying, "Find a penny, pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck!"?  All money or currency is a sign that the Angels are around us.  They are trying to show us a path to take in a certain situation.  I recently found four 20 dollar bills in a taxi.  I was sure it was placed there for me to find by the Angels.  When you find a coin or money it usually this means that the Angels are helping us financially, spiritually, physically, or emotionally.  

4. Clouds!  When I was young and first started talking to my Guardian Angel she told me that Angels ride on clouds.  So if you ever look up and there are clouds you know that the Angels are sitting up there watching over us.  Clouds float around the world like little Heavenly bodies of moisture saying "I love you" from God and the Angels.  The clouds can have any kind of shape and sometimes will represent something to you.  

5.  Music!  Have you ever turned on the radio or been some where when a song played and it made you happy?  This is the Angels way of lifting us up and reminding us not to be sad.  Sometimes you will keep hearing the same song over and over and this is a sign that the Angels want you to know something.  The title or words in a song may be direct guidance from the Angels.  

6, Feathers!  After praying to God about something specific the Angels may leave a Feather behind to let you know they are working on the situation. Feathers are all different shapes, sizes, and colors, but they are usually signs form the Angels.  If there something on your mind when you find the feather you will probably understand why you found the feather at that particular moment.  

7. Numbers! Recently I started noticing number sequences on cabs, on houses, on my clock, or even on the t.v.  The most common one that seems to pop up is 11:11 or 111.  A lot of people have been seeing this.  It means that the Angels surround us with Love and are watching over us.  Certain Number sequences mean different things.  I have another post on Number sequences.

All of us have experienced different ways that the Angels have tried to contact or connect with us. There are some people in the world like me that can "Hear" their Guardian Angel speak to them.  Some of us will hear our name and no one seems to have said it.  The Angels will find every way possible to get your attention.  They perform their little miracles every day.  Look out for these signs and you may be pleasantly surprised.  

Sprays to protect your space or connect with the Angels

I would like to share an article about Sacred Sprays.  One of which is a spray to call upon the Angels.  The only one I've tried is the Guardian Spray which has worked wonders for me.  Since I'm very sensitive to energy around me this has seemed to put a shield around me in certain places.  Of course, I can't stress enough that calling upon Archangel Micheal or praying to God will always protect us.  I also feel that its necessary to have some tools to help us along the way.  I'm planning on getting most of these sprays very soon.  They seem like good things to have!  Here is a link to more products that can help with various things and where to order the sacred sprays.

Sacred Space Sprays

Calling All Angels™ | Guardian™ | Lighten Up™ | Purification™ | Using Sacred Space Sprays 

The Sacred Space Sprays, co-created by Jane Bell and Steve Johnson, were designed primarily for Space Clearing, an ancient practice brought to life by Denise Linn in her book Sacred Space. Jane and Steve are both graduates of Denise's Interior Alignment training program and practice Space Clearing professionally, helping people to create healthy living and working environments.

These sprays are based on our popular Calling All Angels, Guardian, Lighten Up and Purification formulas (see the Alaskan Combination Formulas page for more information). To these we added complementary blends of the highest quality essential oils and absolutes. Each custom blend contains oils that were chosen on the basis of their therapeutic qualities and their ability to ground and enhance the function of each essence combination.

The Sacred Space Sprays were formulated to address the increasing challenge of maintaining our health in this crowded and fast paced world. Stagnant and toxic energies accumulate in our living and working environments from computers and other electrical equipment, pollution, emotional upsets, illness, clutter and even from previous occupants. Over time these disharmonious energies can have a detrimental effect on our physical vitality, relationships, productivity, creativity, prosperity and general well being. You can cleanse yourself and your surroundings of these unwanted toxins and bring in the fresh, elementally infused energies of nature by using our Sacred Space Sprays along with the simple and straightforward techniques of Space Clearing.

These sprays were designed to help you evolve from a position of being at the mercy of your surroundings to having a positive effect on them. Our vision is to help people create clear and vibrant living and working environments which will have a positive effect on everyone who enters them. The apartments, flats, houses and buildings in which we live and work can become beacons of light that radiate out and positively transform our neighborhoods, cities, countries and the world.

Calling All Angels
Calling All Angels™ 
Calling All Angels helps you to contact the love, guidance, and protection of the angelic realm. It contains Angelica, Chalice Well, Chiming Bells, and Kunzite. These essences bring a soft, loving, serene energy into your heart, physical body, and environment. They are complemented by the following precious essential oils: Bulgarian Red Rose Otto, Carnation, Alpine Lavender, and Pink Grapefruit. These joyful and calming oils promote the release of tension and help us open our hearts to the love and peace of the angels. This spray came out of Jane’s work with children who were having difficulty sleeping, and as a result were keeping their parents up as well. Instead of calling out for mom or dad after waking up, they would use this spray, say, “calling all angels”, and fall back into a peaceful slumber. It became very popular! Use the Calling All Angels Spray to:
  • Invoke the love, guidance, and protection of the angelic realm into a room after it has been Space Cleared
  • Create a sacred, protected space for sleeping and dreaming-works for pets too!
  • Strengthen the awareness that all family members are supported and protected by the angels  
  • Bring the essence of joy and peace into your life 
  • Make a stronger connection to the Divine feminine
“Calling All Angels is a special tool in my space clearing practice. It opens the heart and expands the awareness of everyone to the highest realms. In a gentle way, it empowers and inspires each one, making a very elevated atmosphere that supports the co-creation of sacred space”. — Cynthia Asseff, Flower Essence Practitioner - Sao Paulo, Brazil

“I use Calling All Angels in my counseling practice with children and adults. It transforms the emotional energy in the room and brings in an angelic consciousness that resonates with the love of the human heart.” — Emily Whiteside LCSW, Nevada City, California 

Guardian helps you create a powerful force-field of protection in your aura and environment. It contains Covellite, Devil’s Club, Round-Leaf Orchid, Stone Circle, White Violet, and Yarrow. These essences enable you to claim your energetic space, maintain your grounding, and feel the protection of strong, healthy boundaries. Guardian also contains the essential oils of Himalayan Cedar, Litsea Cubeba, Tangerine, Lime and Melissa. These oils enhance the protective and grounding qualities of the essences and add uplifting notes of joy and playfulness. This spray is especially useful for those of us who are highly sensitive. We often feel our sensitivity is a curse instead of a blessing because we don’t know how to keep the energies in our environment from penetrating and depleting us. Guardian reminds us that we are the source of our own protection. It connects us with our inner light and helps us radiate this powerful energy outward into our surroundings. This helps us stay open and sensitive, while feeling sealed and protected. Use Guardian when you:
  • Need to strengthen your boundaries before entering into another person’s living, working, or personal space
  • Want to invoke an energy of protection into a room that has just been Space Cleared
  • Want to set a more relaxed and grounded energy into the environment 
  • Want to preserve the energy that you have just invoked into a space  
  • Would like to decrease the detrimental effects that computers and other electromagnetic equipment are having on you or your employees
“I recommend Guardian to my clients when they feel they are losing energy, or are temporarily weakened in their ability to handle challenging energies within and around them. With the help of this wonderful spray, they feel their energy fields becoming radiant and vigorous, and they are able to handle stressful situations, pollution, and other interferences in a whole new way”. — Ruth Toledo - Flower Essence Therapist and Educator - Sao Paulo, Brazil

Lighten Up
Lighten Up™ 
The overall effect of our Lighten Up Spray is to uplift, energize, inspire and nourish. It was created to counteract seasonal or chronic light deficiencies resulting from where people live (extreme northern or southern latitudes), the design limitations of their living and working environments, or the quality of their energy system (energy pathways blocked or undeveloped). It is also helpful for those who are caught up in onerous patterns or situations, or feel cut off in any way from their inner sources of light. This spray contains Carnelian, Grass of Parnassus, Orange Calcite and Solstice Sun. These essences open and expand energy pathways, dispel stagnant emotions, and encourage a more efficient degree of light circulation in the space that will uplift all who enter. The essences are enhanced by the essential oils of Blood Orange, Bulgarian Lavender, Combava Petitgrain, Lemon Myrtle, and Ylang Ylang Extra, which add refreshing, sparkling, and uplifting qualities to the spray. Use the Lighten Up Spray when you want to:
  • Clear “dark” or “heavy” energy from a space where there has been depression and despair
  • Give yourself a lift when you are fatigued, overwhelmed by working too much, or feel a chronic lack of energy on the physical level
  • Enhance and increase the circulation of light and energy in your living and working environments
  • Help animals that must be kept inside for long periods, especially during the winter months
  • Restore your ability to concentrate in the classroom, after long hours of study
  • Give plants extra light and energy during short winter days
"Just a note to thank you for Lighten Up. Despite thinking that I had cracked the "winter blues" over the last few years, last winter was a real struggle for me. So this October I made up a bottle of Lighten Up and have taken it regularly over that last few weeks. What a difference! If I feel myself sliding into the glums, I take a few drops and immediately feel the light coming back in again and my mood lift. I am so very grateful".

Purification Spray
Purification is a spray to cleanse and purify your home and work environments and your personal energy field. It can be utilized to break up and clear stagnant patterns of energy on any level. This spray contains the four most powerful cleansing and releasing essences in our repertory: Black Tourmaline, Fireweed, Portage Glacier, and Sweetgrass. The essences are enhanced by the essential oils of Peppermint, Lavender Mailette, Black Spruce, and Frankincense. These oils enhance the purifying function of the essences, and add clarifying, sanctifying and refreshing qualities to the spray. The Purification spray evokes a feeling of cool winds blowing off glaciers. It carries an invigorating blast of ionic energy that washes away tiredness and brings a sense of vital aliveness. This spray transports the purity of the wilderness into our complex man-made environments, awakening our senses and reminding us of our true natures. Use Purification when you want to:
  • Release any kind of stagnant energy that has collected in a room or building–the first step in the Space Clearing process
  • Break up unhealthy patterns of energy in an space where there has been illness, addiction, depression, or abuse
  • Release toxic energy from the mind, emotions, and physical body
  • Purify the energy in your rental car when you pick it up and in your hotel room when you arrive
  • Revitalize, balance, and stimulate the renewal of energy on all levels of your home, office, or aura 
“I use Purification in my professional bodywork practice to neutralize the energy of the room between clients and prepare a clear space for the next client. The scents are so highly refined, and after spraying the room it feels like new!” — Nico E. - Body Therapist - Mill Valley, California

Using the Sacred Space Sprays
(1) Begin to create Sacred Space by centering yourself and making an offering of gratitude. State that your intention is to clear stagnant, inharmonious energies from the environment and replace them with positive, uplifting, life affirming energies from nature and the angelic kingdoms. Call in the elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water to enhance and add power to the process.

(2) To cleanse the environment you are working in, spray Purification around the room, paying extra attention to the corners and any areas that feel heavy or dense. Continue in each room you are Space Clearing.

(3) When the energy feels clear, you are ready to invoke fresh, new patterns of energy using one or more of our invocation sprays:
  • Spray Guardian around the room or building when you want to invoke safety and protection into the space, and also to seal the space after the clearing has been completed. This is an easy and affordable way to bring more “security” into stores and businesses too!
  • Use Calling All Angels when you want to bring a very sacred and peaceful energy into the space. Great for meditation and treatment rooms, yoga studios and nurseries.
  • Use Lighten Up when you want to uplift, revitalize, and energize a space. Good for rooms lacking natural light, hospitals and elder care facilities, and anywhere there has been a history of depression.
All of these sprays are particularly effective when used in conjunction with traditional space clearing tools that utilize sound, such as bells, singing bowls, and drums.

(4) To complete the process, give thanks and ask to close the connection with the forces of Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Notice the vibrancy and freshness of your environment and how good this feels!

We recommend using these four sprays on a regular basis to maintain the clarity of your home and work environments.  People in the healing professions will benefit from refreshing their treatment rooms between clients. When you travel, space clear your hotel room when you arrive and mist your rental car when you pick it up. If you move into a new home or office, use these sprays to facilitate your new beginning. We hope you will enjoy using the Sacred Space Sprays as much as we did co-creating them, and we would love to hear about your experiences with them!

Jane Bell and Steve Johnson have done a splendid job with their special space clearing formulas. These sprays embody their depth of wisdom about subtle energies and can bring light and clarity to any environment”.— Denise Linn - originator of Interior Alignment and author of Sacred Space, Feng Shui for the Soul, and Space Clearing
“Jane used the Sacred Space Sprays on a room where I was about to lecture. The previously dead room came to life, and the audience and I had a great time! Now I use the sprays at home, with clients, and when I travel or teach”. — Carol Venolia - Architect and author of Healing Environments

A crystal to help you connect with the Angels

I've really been into crystals lately.  I just found an article on a crystal that should help you connect with the Angels.  I have yet to try it myself, but I already connect with my Guardian Angel on an auditory level.  Many websites are claiming that the crystal Seraphinite can help you connect with the Angels.

Remember to cleanse and charge your crystal when you get it.  You can either put it on the crystal Selenite over night which will cleanse and charge any crystal.  Or you can use a table spoon of sea salt in a bowl of spring water for several hours to cleanse it.  Dry the crystal on paper towels and don't touch the water when doing this (You don't want any old energy from the crystal touching you). Also, putting a crystal in the sun for 4 hours will recharge the crystal.

Here is a great article telling you all about the crystal!

Seraphinite... Wish To Make Contact With Angels and The Divine Feminine?


Seraphinite has a lovely spiritual energy that may help your search for spiritual enlightenment... and will assist you with self healing.
It aids your connection to beings in the angelic realm and may help you to make contact with the Divine Feminine.
This green and silver crystal has a number of very powerful characteristics, including being one of the stones that aid contact with nature spirits.
It has impressive healing attributes for both physical and emotional healing. It is a stone to aid you to bring Divine Light into your being and this brings with it spiritual healing.

Where Does It Come From ... Seraphinite Meaning

This green stone is a type of clinochlore and is also known as Serafina and by its original name of Green Chlorite.
This green stone is mainly found in the Lake Baikal area in Siberia, Russia.
These lovely stones are known for the beautiful mixture of the deep green color, shot through with lovely silver markings that in many Seraphinite stones resemble beautiful angel wings.
These markings are the major reason for it being given this name. The meaning of this stone's name is derived from the name Seraphim, the angels of highest spiritual level. As these stones have a strong energy to contact the angelic realms, this name is quite fitting.

Contacting Angelic Beings and The Divine Feminine

This stone has a sweet vibration that centers you and brings through spiritual energy. It can help you to clear blockages in your meridians and in your auric field that are holding back your spiritual growth. By meditating with this beautiful stone... many of you may discover that you make a connection to the angelic realm and may find that you make a connection with the Divine Feminine. Seraphinite is known to open thecrown chakra and the soul star chakra above that... to bring Divine light through into your being.
This stone has a strong healing vibration, and is known to bring all of the etheric bodies into alignment with the energy field of the spinal cord. As any blocked energy within any of the etheric bodies clears, this allows the movement of energy to normalize in the body.
You may then begin to make contact with beings in the higher realms as you resonate with this higher vibration energy and light. Many pieces of stone have a pattern within them... almost like the wings of angels... and these stones may be even more powerful to encourage this angelic contact.
Once your energy is enabled to freely move between all of the chakras in the body... linking may occur between the soul star chakra and the heart chakra... moving energy up via the thymus chakra or higher heart, through to the crown chakra and then up to the transpersonal chakras within the etheric body.

Why Would You Use It

This stone is an excellent choice if you are a healer or if you simply want to use this stone for self healing. SeraphiniteSeraphinite is one of the more powerful stones for the healing of the physical body.
This lovely green healing crystal is known to aid cellular regeneration... and may allow you to become aware of the diseases that are linked to issues from past lives.
By aiding the decoding of the DNA it will help to bring about the decline of former systemic diseases.
As they subside the vibrations of the new arrangements within your DNA become prominent. As it strengthens the blood, this will flow to all of the body to bring physical wellness throughout.

How Will It Help You

The vibration of this stone brings an influx of light into the cells to aid healing on all levels...and you may find after you have used it for a while that you seems to be infused with the light that is now resonating within you.
The energy of SeraphiniteSeraphinite will also aid emotional healing, as you let go of old issues that are no longer what you desire for your life.
As you allow the joyful energy that this stone brings to flow through you... out into your entire auric field... you may be open to understand more clearly the meaning of enlightenment.
As you see this in the context of your own life, you may begin to behave towards others in a more balanced and peaceful way.
It has been found by many users of this stone that out of body journeys are made easier by the presence of this stone close by. These lovely green stones are said to be a powerful aid to protect the physical body while you are gone.
The energy of the stone may also stimulate kundalini awakening. As the kundalini rises up the spine it will clear and activate all of the chakras.

How To Use It

Meditating with this lovely stone is a powerful way to use it. It may be combined with any of the high crystal energy stones for this purpose. Used with White Azeztulite it may enable you to make contact with the Divine Feminine more easily as this is an extremely high vibration combination.
SeraphiniteSeraphinite may be used by placing a stone on the third eye chakra... which aid contact with the higher spiritual realms.
Many people find that connecting with angels is common when you have this stone on your body during meditation... regardless of where you place it.
Note: The picture shown on the right had a lovely pair of angel wings appear on the photo. Isn't this lovely the way the Angel energy was affirmed!
As it is known to stimulate clairaudience... having stronger psychic hearing will aid you to better hear the messages that come through from beings in the angelic realms. It is also known to stimulate the gift of psychic visions... and this may enable you to see the angelic beings in all their glory!
If you make contact with beings in the angelic realms using this crystal, this commonly involves a review of your current life and your current issues. These spiritual beings may then help you to identify what you need to do to make changes in your life, to bring yourself into alignment with your soul purpose for incarnating at this time... and bring you inner happiness and personal fulfillment.

Wearing Seraphinite

By keeping a piece of this crystal on your body for as long as possible each day, this will have a strong benefit to bring healing on all levels. The energy of this lovely green crystal encourages you to live from the heart.
It has a strong energy within both the heart chakra and the thymus chakra which is just above the heart chakra. This is why wearing SeraphiniteSeraphinite pendant as a pendant is so effective.
It is easy to buy Seraphinite jewelry... and as it is such an attractive stone, pieces of this stone that have been made into jewelry are lovely to wear.
Wearing a pendant in the area from the heart chakra up will be most effective, as it keeps the energy close to where it has the most effect.
Ladies... you may choose to tuck a small piece of the stone in your bra, which would keep it close to your heart, but wearing as a pendant is possibly an easier way to keep it on your body. Alternatively you could wear a piece of stone in your pocket, as keeping it within your auric field is the most important thing.

Contact With Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings

This stone has a strong energy to aid contact with nature spirits and elemental beings that inhabit the green areas around your home. You may use Seraphinite on its own for this purpose or you may combine it with other stones that also attract the members of the Devic kingdom.
You may choose to use it with Green Apophyllite, Green Moss AgateGreen Moss Agate, (photo below) the green Mica called Fuchsite and withPrasiolite... also known as Green Amethyst. Nature spirits are often present anyway... especially if you have a healthy garden and avoid the use of harsh chemicals in it.
These beings live close to you and may make contact with you, if you are open to the contact. Children will naturally make this contact as they are open to believing, unlike many of us who have let go of this openness once we reached adulthood.
By encouraging them to live near you, these beings will help to improve the health of the area where you live. They aid you to heal the earth... and this may also flow through to your health too. It is important at these times of global changes to encourage nature spirits to help you... as the earth goes through the transitions required to bring the planet to a higher level of being.

Combining It With Other Stones

This is a stone that aids you in a number of different ways and that works well in combination with almost all other crystals. Having said that here are some suggestions for ways you may choose to combine it with other crystals.
Please read each of the pages on the individual crystals for more information on how it might work with any particular crystal. For healing use it with EpidoteLilac Lepidolite,SugiliteBlue Aragonite and Chrysanthemum StoneChrysanthemum Stone ... see photo below.
Using it with any of the high crystal energy stones is very effective for boosting contact with the spiritual realms. The high vibration stones such as Moldavite PhenaciteScoleciteand Charoite combine well with it.
To boost its action to aid your clairaudient abilities you may use it with Que Sera Crystals,Tiffany Stone or Aqua Aura Quartz. Forconnecting with angels there are a number of other stones that are also highly effective.
If you are doing spiritual work including raising the kundalini, there are a number of other stones that you might use with it... including Green SerpentineTigers Eye, Gabbro... also known as Blizzard Stone, Brookite or the lovely pinky purple Stichtite.

In Summary

This beautiful green and silver crystal has a number of very powerful aspects. Amongst its most helpful features are its healing vibration... that aids healing on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
Seraphinite is an excellent aid if you wish to make contact with angels and with other beings in the higher realms, including the Divine Feminine. It is known to help you to develop psychic gifts such as psychic vision, or clairvoyance, and psychic hearing or clairaudience, and aids contact with nature spirits.
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." Albert Einstein.

Monday, June 18, 2012


I've been told by my Guardian Angel that we must accept Jesus as our Savior.  He died on the Cross to save us from our sins. We all make mistakes on this Earth.  We always will until the end of the world.  God will not hate you for sinning on this Earth.  God loves all of us.  If you feel like you have done something wrong and don't feel right about it then ask God for forgiveness.  The Angels (Messengers of God) are always listening and bringing our prayers to God. I posted another post on asking God for Forgiveness.  God sent Jesus on this Earth to teach us many lessons.
I found the below paragraph and picture from Facebook.
Jesus’ teachings centered around helping people find their own internal source of Spirit.
He lived what he taught. He was the embodiment of love and goodness, peace and understanding.
His God-centeredness allowed him to achieve what we consider miracles because he understood the natural laws of the universe and was able to tap into the great power of love to bring healing to people. He practiced meditation and prayer to gain strength to meet the challenges of daily life.
He consistently showed love, kindness, patience, gentleness to others and encouraged them to open to the Spirit within themselves.
He said, “The kingdom of Heaven is within.” He lived his life to show us how to find Spirit and what a human personality looks like when he or she is Spirit-centered. He paved the way for us to find God for ourselves. (Donna D'Ingillo)

You're welcome to visit artist page:

Have Faith in God and the Angels

Angels are all around us! They are messengers of God helping us every step of the way! They help guide us through all kinds of situations in Life! I love the little paragraph below that I found on Facebook! 

To help heal your situation, you must completely hand it over to God and your angels, surrendering it all and letting it go so that your angels can to go to work for you. Holding on will just slow the process. Instead of focusing on the situation, focus on your surroundings and what makes you happy, by focusing on all the good things in your life, you leave room in your heart to hear the guidance of your angels!

How do you receive forgiveness from God?

All of us make mistakes or sin on this Earth.  Since Jesus died on the Cross for our sins we have been granted a way to ask God for forgiveness.  Prayer is the answer.  The Angels (Our Messengers of God) are always listening and bringing our prayers up to God.  God will always listen to our prayers and he will grant us forgiveness.  We will have to continue to ask God for forgiveness.  As long as we are on this Earth the temptation to sin will be with us.

Energy Cords Between Us

I found this posted on facebook and thought it would be great to share!  I talk about cutting cords towards the bottom of this post.  

Individuals form energy bonds between each other that take the form of strands of energies, or rays, that connect them through the chakras. In the ideal marriage of two people would be seen to have a rainbow arc of light between them from the lowest chakra to the highest. It is virtually impossible for two people to perform a sexual act without some chakras becoming tied together in an energy bond, although many people are bound together on some level without engaging in a sexual act. There is a two way flow of energy from one to another through these energy bonds, and sometimes these bonds are so enduring that they tie individuals together life after life. This explains the phenomenon of feeling strong emotions for a virtual stranger.

Energy bonds take the form of cords of various colors that attach two people through their chakras. The energy bonds might be beautiful rose-pink, signifying higher romantic love, or a more golden pink, signifying spiritual love. Tones of gold, silver, rose-pink, green, blue, indigo and violet are expressions of higher emotions that bind people. Then there are murky colors such as muddy red, dark green and black, which are expressions of negative emotions such as a cruel lust, jealousy, envy and malice. These bonds may go from the 3rd chakra of one person to the 1st or 2nd chakra of the other, or from the 4th to the 4th, depending on what level of consciousness these bonds arise. Sometimes these negative energy bonds drain energy from one to another exert control over another. It is possible to mentally remove these negative energy cords by visualizing them and pulling them out, as in unplugging an electrical cord from a socket.

When the heart chakra becomes activated through a romantic involvement and the individual experiences love of one individual, it is then possible for the individual to experience a greater love that encompasses all of humanity in certain instances. Progress along the spiritual path over many lifetimes has always been spurred along by acts of sacrifice and devotion, performed for the love of one individual but expanding into a greater love. Real love is developed over time, and sometimes it is developed over many lifetimes. So the flowering of the heart chakra is not the automatic result of forming a romantic relationship but the desired goal.

Djwhal Khul

In Doreen Virtue's book "The Angel Therapy Handbook" she talks about Etheric Cord Cutting.   A lot of us work with people either professionally or by acts of kindness. Unknown to many people is the fact that cords between people are being formed all the time.  These cords of energy between people is real even though most of us can not see the cords.  When a cord is being formed its usually because someone bases their happiness or energy from you, or has a fear of you leaving them.  Anyone who is clairvoyant have the ability to have these cords visible to them.  I am not able to see these cords, but I recently went to a Heart Charka clearing workshop and could almost feel the cords breaking away from me.  After reading this I'm sure you have some idea of who has cords connected to you.  The cords are like tubes that push energy from one person to the other.   If there is someone needy in your life they will suck a lot of your energy.  You might feel sad or tired when leaving a certain person.  Someone around you must have a cord connected to you sucking out a lot of your good energy without you even realizing its happening.  If someone is angry at you then you might be getting toxic energy sent right through your energy cord between you and the other person. If you have been feeling tired, sad, angry, upset, or feel like you are losing energy its time to learn how to cut cords.   Now this does not mean that you abandoning or rejecting the person by cutting the cord.  It only means that you are cutting away fear, dysfunction, or codependency from a friendship or any kind of relationship.  Your love for that person will still exist.  

In order to cut cords go in a quiet place if possible. Inhale and exhale deeply during the process.  As breath opens the door for angels to help you. Then say either mentally or aloud:

"Archangel Michael, I call upon you now.  Please cut the cords of fear that are draining my energy and vitality.  Thank you!"

Afterwards be silent for few moments.  You might feel cords being cut or pulled out of you. Even the air-pressure may change.  People might think of you without knowing why when the cords are cut.  You may even get text messages or phone calls from people after this process.  Don't be upset with people for attaching cords to you.  We all do this.  You are not people's source of energy or happiness, remember that GOD is!  You may need to cut cords repeatedly.  People will continuously attach cords to you without you knowing it.

Some of us will want to resist cutting some cords.  Many of us have a hard time letting go of Anger which creates toxic energy cords between you an another person.  This means that even Archangel Michael can not break the cord between you and that person.  In this case, we need to see that holding on to this anger is hurting us and we need to let it go.   Even if you want revenge on the person and want the other person to suffer for whatever reason it is very unhealthy.  God does not want us to hold on to this type of feeling and ill towards others.  When you think you are ready to take a step in breaking that cord find a quiet place to sit.  Pray to God and ask him to help you let go of that Anger.  Then when ready, take a few deep breathes.  Say "I Release any toxic energies towards this person that I am angry with (or their "name").  I am willing to detoxify myself so that I can enjoy peace, health, and happiness.  I call upon Archangel Michael now.  Please cut this cord of Anger.  Thank you!"

You can help others cut cords as well.  Always remember to call upon Archangel Micheal for help.  Guide the person through the processes above.  

I have yet to read Rose Rosetree's book on cutting cords, but I've heard many good things about it.  Please check out her website for more information.

Here is a meditation video about Cord Cutting with Archangel Michael by Lisa Beachy: