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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ways the Angels try to Connect with You

A lot of us seek answers about life or want guidance from a Higher Source.  The Angels are sent by God to help us through our journey on this Earth.  They are consistently finding ways to connect with us.  I know they send me little signs that they are there all the time.  Once you start to notice these things you will begin to see them a lot more.  I have listed some ways that the Angels connect with us by leaving things for us to find or sending things to us.  

1.  Butterflies!  A lot of us see butterflies flying around once in a while, but have you ever had one fly around you or land on you? On some occasions I have had a butterfly land on me or fly in front of me.  This is a sign that the angels are with us and taking care of us!

2.  Rainbows!  Most of us know that seeing a Rainbow is "Good Luck".  Have you ever thought that it could be a sign from the Angels that they are watching over us?  Just the other day I was at a festival, there was water spraying and just the way the sun hit there was a beautiful Rainbow.  Rainbows are meant to show peace to the world by God.  If you see a Rainbow it usually means that the Angels are taking care of a situation for you.  

3.  Pennies!  Have you ever heard the saying, "Find a penny, pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck!"?  All money or currency is a sign that the Angels are around us.  They are trying to show us a path to take in a certain situation.  I recently found four 20 dollar bills in a taxi.  I was sure it was placed there for me to find by the Angels.  When you find a coin or money it usually this means that the Angels are helping us financially, spiritually, physically, or emotionally.  

4. Clouds!  When I was young and first started talking to my Guardian Angel she told me that Angels ride on clouds.  So if you ever look up and there are clouds you know that the Angels are sitting up there watching over us.  Clouds float around the world like little Heavenly bodies of moisture saying "I love you" from God and the Angels.  The clouds can have any kind of shape and sometimes will represent something to you.  

5.  Music!  Have you ever turned on the radio or been some where when a song played and it made you happy?  This is the Angels way of lifting us up and reminding us not to be sad.  Sometimes you will keep hearing the same song over and over and this is a sign that the Angels want you to know something.  The title or words in a song may be direct guidance from the Angels.  

6, Feathers!  After praying to God about something specific the Angels may leave a Feather behind to let you know they are working on the situation. Feathers are all different shapes, sizes, and colors, but they are usually signs form the Angels.  If there something on your mind when you find the feather you will probably understand why you found the feather at that particular moment.  

7. Numbers! Recently I started noticing number sequences on cabs, on houses, on my clock, or even on the t.v.  The most common one that seems to pop up is 11:11 or 111.  A lot of people have been seeing this.  It means that the Angels surround us with Love and are watching over us.  Certain Number sequences mean different things.  I have another post on Number sequences.

All of us have experienced different ways that the Angels have tried to contact or connect with us. There are some people in the world like me that can "Hear" their Guardian Angel speak to them.  Some of us will hear our name and no one seems to have said it.  The Angels will find every way possible to get your attention.  They perform their little miracles every day.  Look out for these signs and you may be pleasantly surprised.  

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