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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Angel Card Reading for October 2012

I have put together Angel Card Reading for the Month of October 2012.  This is what the Angels want us to know for this month.  The Angels told me to take 6 Cards from the Daily Guidance from the Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. I found it to be very inspirational and I hope all of you take something from this message.  The First Card was: Ask.  We all need to ask God for Guidance and help with situations in our lives.  The Second Card was: Release and Surrender. We all need to release our fears and problems to God and the Angels.  We all want to solve problems on our own, but praying to God can help this process go faster.  The Third Card was: There is Nothing to Worry About.  We all need to know that God and the Angels keep us Safe in many times of trouble.  We must only infuse loving thoughts and emotions into the situations in our lives.  We must keep the Negative thoughts out and stop worrying about what is to come.  Pray to God if you have something you are worried about.  The Fourth Card was: Blessing in Disguise.  We must trust in God that we have his protection with the Angels and that he will answer our prayers in the best way.  Sometimes things seem out of order and we don't understand why certain things happen.  Once things resolve themselves we tend to see the whole picture and why things happened the way they did.  God works in mysterious ways and sometimes what we think is a bad thing opens more doors to better things.  The Fifth Card was:  Acceptance.  Everyone should accept God in their lives.  Having that Faith in a higher power helps us through many obstacles in life on this Earth.  God loves all of us and sends his Angels to protect us.  We also must accept and love ourselves and see that we can reach a high potential in life.  The Sixth Card was: Child.  For those of you that have Children to take care of this card means that you need to give love, affection, and attention to the Children around you.  Sometimes it's hard to find the time to give them your full attention.  This card can also mean that we all have an inner child that needs attention as well.  We need to nurture the person within ourselves.  Which means love yourself and know that God loves you more than you know.

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