I decided to do a Card Reading on what the Angels want us to know for the month of December. I used Doreen Virtue's Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards.
The first card that I pulled was: Signs. The Card Meaning: "Pay careful attention to the messages the Angels give you now. You have asked for a sign, and they deliver it. Notice and Trust these signs!"
The Angels are all around us whether we see them or not. They leave us little signs that they are there if you notice them. God has sent us all a Guardian Angel to watch over us and protect us. There are little miracles performed every day by the Angels around us.
The Second card I pulled was: Truth & Integrity. The Card Meaning: "Believe in yourself, and have faith that God and the Angels are with you. Ask them to help you lose fears that block you from enjoying full faith."
This is a powerful card in the sense that many people are afraid of the unknown and this card is saying have Faith. This is hard for a lot of people to do. Many people don't believe in things they don't fully understand. Angels are real and they surround us with love.
The Third Card I pulled was: Meditation. The Card Meaning: "Meditation is very important for you right now. Enjoy practicing it often."
When you don't have a million things running through your head take some time to sit in quiet. Everyone needs a place of solitude once in a while. You can gain some peace by praying or meditating.
The Fourth Card I pulled was: Music. The Card Meaning: "The Angels guide you to immerse yourself in Beautiful music. Music lifts your spirit above Earthbound concerns and elevates your thoughts to Divine Love."
Music can be healing in a lot of ways either by hearing or playing it. The Angels sing and play instruments and they want us to rejoice in music as well.
The Fifth Card I pulled was: New Beginnings. The Card Meaning: "A clean slate is presented to you as you now encounter fresh opportunities and novel experiences."
Our life is forever changing and evolving. Doors are opening and closing all the time. We have to accept the new changes in our life even if they are scary. We must have Faith in God that he sent Angels to help us on this journey on Earth.
The Sixth Card I pulled was: Manifestation. The Card Meaning: "You have manifested new opportunities and abundance. Know that you can experience these gifts right now."
The Angels want to bring us peace, security and happiness. Abundance can come in many forms and it can arrive in unexpected ways. You can manifest things to come your way/ Remember that you a worth having good things in life.
The Seventh Card I pulled was: Balance. The Card Meaning: "Has your schedule been lopsided lately? Be sure to balance your work, play, spirituality, exercise, and relationships."
Finding Balance in your life can be hard when there is a lot to do. If you are overwhelmed by your duties ask God and the Angels to help you.
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