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Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Archangel Michael and 2012

The Archangel Michael is a very powerful Angel.  He protects us and helps us get rid of our fears.  Doreen Virtue claims that anyone can contact Archangel Michael for help and he can be with us simultaneously.  I was able to contact Archangel Michael after watching one of Doreen's videos.  His biggest messages for Happiness in 2012: Let go of any anger or negativity we have about our pasts, Forgive those that have done us wrong, Keep positive thoughts on our minds.   You also must clear your mind of Negative thoughts.

Here is a video called Archangel Michael messages for 2012, Doreen Virtue:

Insert about Archangel Michael from Doreen Virtue's "The Angel Therapy Handbook":
- Archangel Michael's name means "he who is as God" or "he looks like God." He's the Archangel who releases the effects of fear from the planet and its inhabitants.  The patron of police officers, he gives all of us the courage and backbone to follow our truth and fulfill our Divine mission.  Call upon Michael if you feel afraid or confused about your personal safety, your Heavenly purpose, or making a necessary life change. You can also ask him to help you fix any mechanical or electrical problems. In addition, Michael can assist you in remembering your life purpose, and then give you courage to follow through with it.

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